Saturday 3 May 2014

The Insurmountable Problem Arose

At the back of my mind, I knew that this obstacle would be a problem I could't get around - and so it proved......

[Scroll down]

The Pacific Ocean, 1314 PT Saturday 3 May 2014, at Santa Monica California!  It was, curiously and rather surprisingly, a very emotional moment.  I will sign off with a final update in due course, but in the meantime:

-  so many thanks to all of you who have posted comments and otherwise kept me going.
-  and the absolute star of the show is on my left.


  1. Congratulations Rupert. Great achievement. What adventures to tell.
    There is a foot bridge to your right, if that is the insurmountable problem!
    Beers back in Blighty!

  2. Well done done many congratulations, a great achievement. Have a safe trip back. Mark & Pip

  3. Congratulations Rupert! That was a great accomplishment. I'm happy that we met you in Deming NM. You have given me an incentive to continue biking. Ned

  4. Fantastic Rupert.. well done...and I'll bet the time was a good one as well ...also have to say the sea certainly looks more inviting than Dunwich at 6 in the morning but just a tad more effort to get there. Looking forward to that beer and stories.
    Have a safe flight home and seen you soon. cheers John

  5. Rupert, you crazy man! Saw David and Jessica Field at the weekend who asked after you. Well done. I am curiously rather proud... Cindy x
