PC appears in motel reception, so a chance to post some photos, to spare you all more prose. Really cracking on, thanks mainly to the lunatic 100 mile day which got me halfway across the Mojave. Now in Indio, California (just next to Palm Springs, which really does have 1000s of palms, masses of watered grass, lots of medical centres, and things like bike lanes. You might as well live in a biosphere.
One knackered chain, for the nerds, using any radial rule you like..... fitted spare.
I thought getting this selfie in under 10 seconds was quite cunning. Climbing out out of Globe on one of the best stretches of road yet.
Corny (and a bit Monty Python) but had to get one in. About 40 miles from Phoenix.
It really does exist! But it was right here that I discovered the ripped rear rim.
A deserted RV park with just me. Sunset.
The mandatory state crossing shot. In fact, Arizona had also been Pacific Time....
You're not joking. 50 miles to go, across Mojave.
Mojave Desert. The most uncompromising, unpleasant and hostile desert I have ever encountered - rock, gravel, stone, nothing.
First sign (just outside Palm Springs) that California really is aiming for carbon neutrality. These huge farms, together with vast PV fields, were repeated over several miles.
Out of sequence. but this is one of the very few times I have been worried, with driving rain and a dramatic drop in temperature, with miles to go. I carry most things, but not decent cold weather clothing. I was frozen, and hands lost all feeling - not good.
These are critical for water, so it always pays to carry enough in reserve to cover the next 30 miles (thank you, Camelbak). Very hot day, about 30 miles from the Palm Springs area, and you can just see the dip ahead that takes one from 2500 feet to -7 feet at Indio, with very exciting, swooping descent.
Cracking blog, great photos. I reckon that to be about 160 to go. You have now reached the Californian urban dream so route should be lined with country clubs and Dunkin Donuts. Clappin you home all the way. M
ReplyDeleteWith the end in sight you must feel very proud of your epic journey. It has been great for us here in Blighty to read your blogs. Well done enjoy the moment and have. Very safe and peaceful journey home. I'll get Kate to knock up some rice and beans for you! Well done Roops epic ride. What is the next adventure? Take care and stay safe. Mark & Pip
ReplyDeleteJust one more day's slog to go. Then a hot bath, a comfortable bed and proper food! On your return, the cycling committee will book a table at the Queen's Head for essential debriefing...First round's mine. Give my best to Chuck and see you when you get back. John