Tuesday 8 April 2014

8 April 2014 - Brenham. about 90 miles NW of Houston

Cracked nearly 1100 miles, but the 430 I have done in 5 days have taken their toll, with v.sore shins...... Fierce headwind today (over 20 knots and gusting 30, with dinghy sailing definitely cancelled!) made it just that bit harder.  A couple of easier days as I cruise towards Austin will be good news, and it should get much warmer (fleece definitely on until about 1100).

Not much to add, except to thank Fred and Leanne for taking me out to dinner last night; I was talking to Fred at that social entrepot, the gas station, and five minutes later he screeched to a halt and we arrange dinner for that evening.  Good fun!

Texas is great so far: lovely country, flowers out, the first hills, and with a palpable sense of identity.  Very interesting for a Brit how there are almost no black people anymore, but now many more Mexicans; it is always tempting to ask how exactly this change of mix 'works' but I rather think the question would be viewed as  bad form ('liberal').

Still no photos to show, as the Super 8 Motel lobby computer is 'non-equipped' for memory cards.  Will need to transfer them to flash drive ('will this work?' Ed.)  And thanks for your latest comments!


  1. Morning Rupert..I know exactly how you feel ..5 long miles to work on the bike...no school cars..and now a comfy chair and cup of coffee...its been a hard day so far !! John

  2. This cycling by proxy really is the way to travel. Really enjoying the reports and cannot believe that you (we) are already up to 1100 miles. Fantastic! Nick
