Tuesday, 29 April 2014

Hanging in there

Tuesday 29 April

Wheel holding. Trying to put minimum pressure on pedals, moved weight forward and am dropped on bars. Cannot deny a little anxiety. California tomorrow....... Camped in middle of nowhere. Wind up (nearly brought tent down last night) and forecast to continue, with temperatures climbing. Might cross Mojave tomorrow if get away early. Hooah!


  1. Rupert..just seen your situation re wheels ..just a thought that maybe you could have the front rim rebuilt on the back wheel before it packs up..would have less pressure on the front !!
    also sent you an email and copied in Chuck so hope once you see that you will be able to get in contact..good luck ..cheers John

  2. Roops, hang in there, there have been many times we have been together with 3 wheels on our wagon, or did'nt I tell you about that! Good luck with the rest of the journey. Mark and Pip xx

  3. sorry to hear about equipment failure, makes last miles rather tense. Could a garage try a little welding on that wheel? Otherwise Great progress Rupert..fingers crossed. M
